Bakalárska práca

Meno: Terézia Strišovská

Názov témy: Kostry v grafoch

Školiteľ: doc. RNDr. Tatiana Jajcayová, PhD.

Cieľ práce: Cieľom práce je navrhnť a zbehnúť experimenty a určiť ohraničenia pre počet kostier v rôznych triedach grafov.


M. Meringer: Fast Generation of Regular Graphs and Construction of Cages. Journal of Graph Theory 30, 137-146, 1999.
N. Alon: The Number of Spanning Trees in Regular Graphs. Random Struct. Algorithms 1(2). 1990. 175-182.
A. Aho, J. Hopcroft, and J. Ullman: The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, MA, 1974, pp. 84-85.
D. B. WEST. Introduction to Graph Theory. Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1996. 0-13-227828-6.
T. H. CORMEN, C. E. LEISERSON, R. L. RIVEST, C. STEIN. Introduction to Algorithms, Third Edition. The MIT Press. 2009. 978-0-262-03384-8.
A. STANOYEVITCH. Discrete Structures with Contemporary Applications. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press. 2011. 978-1-4398-1768-1.

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